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Review: "Fallen Angel - Halo"

Short Summary:
„Halo – Book 1: Fallen Angel“ (by @brookeblaine1 and @ellafrank1 (Instagram)) tells the story of Halo, a young singer/songwriter from New York getting the chance to play with the big boys of the rock-music industry with an audition for an established, well-known rock-band. He’s a perfect fit for the band - and for Viper (lead guitarist and songwriter of the band). Viper, on an instant, has a thing for the straight as an arrow soon-to-be-singer of his band. After a shitty first on-stage experience for Halo, the band didn’t kick him out but decided to get a new name and to start fresh from where they are.


I wasn’t expecting much after I stared so many books the last few months and not one of them was able to wrap me into what happened between the lines. “Halo – Fallen Angel 1” was different. I love music, it’s more or less my live in one or the other way. I loved the idea behind the book and really wanted to love it. And it got me there. I fell hard for Halo the first few pages and Viper hit me even harder, because COME ON! He’s not only hot as fuck, but also an asshole. I can’t explain my love for characters who are like him. It’s just that I have thing for them.

As I said, I love the idea, the whole musician theme. And the character design. Every guy in this story has a voice of their own. You don’t need “’…’, said xy” because you know who’s speaking. And even though I NEVER read 1st-person narratives in German, I do in English and this one was just “UH! So good!”. There are a few things that I didn’t like (much). Because there are so many stories where the hot af straight guy fell head over heels for the (equally) hot af gay bad boy. I get the image and everything, but this nearly had me putting the book back where I got it from. But I wanted to love it, so I kept reading. A good decision.

The other thing was Vipers constant hard-on. I mean, his member never got some rest. He saw Halo and was like “Hello!” downstairs. He was horny 24/7. It was kinda annoying and had me skip a few pages/paragraphs here and there, because I didn’t want another description of his pants bulging and shit.

But all in all, I really enjoyed reading this book. It was a fresh thing.

4,5/5 stars from me for this first book, because I was dying to read something GOOD with musicians. And I loved the development of the characters and their whole design to begin with. Those 2 points can easily be overlooked when looking at the whole book.


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