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Inspired by...

I really do enjoy talking about what inspires me. There are so many ways to get the input you need to write a story or just a scene in your manuscript.

Writing and showing you guys something that inspires me is nice to some extent but it’s crystal clear that none of us can show everything that inspires him/her. 

I myself are inspired by so many things. Mostly music and pictures.

Lyrics are a main inspiration for me. Espacially Metalcore-Bands like Bring me the Horizon, Asking Alexandria or even new Bands like Our Mirage (check them out by the way!) And I love scrolling through websides like Tumblr to find pictures which fitting the apperance and the interests of my Main Characters. I love to put those "moodboards" together to show you what I think is important for my MC. 

But (!!) the greatest inspiration of all is the everyday life, right? The Real Life we all have. The daily situations, conversations we might listen to at the bus drive to university or the peoples passing by while we went for a walk or shopping. The simple things are the greatest inspiration of all. 

Yesterday for example, I saw the circus which is currently located in my little town. I passed by while driving home and I immediately thought about some story where a circus is involved. I thought about a boy who works as a member of a travelling menagerie. And I imagine another boy who meet the circus-guy and yeah, some kind of magic happen between these two. I love writing about magical meetings and relationships. I enjoy writing lovestories with my cute boys too much. 

My brain works a bit different than other people’s do. And I think that most of my fellow writers know this kind of thing. We see something and in an instant, we get some idea for a somewhat random plot, right?

It depends on what I write at the very moment, but when I write about my slice of life lovestories, most of the events that happen in the book might have happened in the past or are a current topic in my life. Writing is somewhat like writing a diary for me, only that it isn’t a diary for real but more a way to work through the shit happened to me (does this even make sense?) – but it’s a great way to get all those bottled-up emotions and events out of the system. And writing really helps me a lot by getting my shit together.


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