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About fashion: Strega (english version)

I’m trying to be more active in the goth-scene, which also includes to change some things about my wardrobe. I’m wearing black for years now and I was often asked if someone in my family just died. In my opinion my style still doesn't have enough goth. The key to express yourself doesn't lay in the colour black alone. It's the whole picture you’re trying to create.

Goth inspires and fascinates me since 10 years and I never really got the chance to back away from it because it’s true what people say. Styles like “emo” are a phase, but “goth” is a lifestyle. Many of us went through this “emo phase”. You can go through so many phases, but you never just walk through “goth” and leave it behind you like it never was a part of you. I have to admit this personally.

Goth isn’t only about dark, black clothes. It’s the music, the fashion of course, the literature (E.A. Poe and others), the mentality, the worldview and the opinion on topics and problems in our environment.

It isn’t easy to express your individuality. I know this by heart believe me. But you will get to the point when opinions and words of “normal” people won’t effect you anymore. When you get to that point, you have done everything just right. Also the “all black”-fashion entered the local fashion stores like H&M and others. On the one hand it’s a bit of a downside for goths but on the other hand, it’s even a benefit for people like us: You can go shopping in average shops. They sell great strega clothing and goth stuff in general. Even merchandise like Iron Maiden and Alice Cooper. I think, most of the costumers don’t even know the music. THEY think these are brands by H&M.

I should come to the main point of this whole post:
Goth fascinated me for years and still does with all the different styles from darkromantic to cybergoth/industrial, postapocalyptic stuff and steampunk. The Lolita fashion created by Mana from Moi dix mois is absolutly stunning. The styles can be elegant, really pretty and cute and they all seem to come from a whole different world or age. All of them are so expressive. It’s amazing! Goth is so versatile and I would never turn away from it and change to the average fashion like skinny light blue jeans, a pink crop top and bleached blonde hair, because it’s the current fashion. Average fashion is for average people. And that fashion never get me to like it.
Last year, I’ve discovered the tag “strega” on tumblr and it had me on the spot.

The original for strega was the japanese mori-kei-style, which contains all tones of beige, browns and whites. It’s about layering your clothes and create a nice, even cute, silhouette. The opposide would be “darkmori-kei”.
Mai-Magi – previously Shortcuttothestars – a tumblr-blogger and alternative model created the tag “strega” with her followers to etablish a tag and a fashion-style that doesn't have strict rules like Mori1.
Like all the japanese fashion-styles, Mori has strict rules about the colours and the silhouette and if you don’t get along with those rules, you’ll receive hate-comments for sure. But Strega is the western counterpart to Mori-Kei and it doesn't have any rules exept the fact, that it should be „witchy“ and „like from the woods“-aesthetic.

The word “strega” itself has a italian origin and means simply “witch”. The fashion-style would express the “modern witch” of our century. The best part of strega is the opportunity to wear it in everyday life. And because of the many ways you have to create a strega-outfit, it’s not saisonal bound. You can wear it in spring, autumn, winter and even in the summer with lighter fabrics and lighter clothing in general.

I fell in love with this style because I can even wear it to work. I’m working partime in a law office next to the university. With Strega I can express myself even in a formal environment like a law office. Strega can be casual, chic, edgy or even cute. That’s also a reason why I love to wear it. Another point is, that you can combine so much patterns, fabrics and other things. You can wear leather-skirts, Harem pants, oversize tops or even those asymmetrical cardigans.

Strega is totally free and not even bound on colours. It’s not necessary to wear all black. You can wear browns and greys, whites and blues as long as it is “witchy”³. The inspiration for outfits can be drawn from fairytails and folklores, from the original source Mori-Kei or from nature.
With this style we can be a bit more normal, because not all of us can break with the expectations the society has. We can’t break all the rules if we want to live and eat. A job is necessary for all those living costs. We have to fit into the picture the society has in order to live a good life. We all have to tone down a bit, but with something like strega it’s possible to create a version of ourselves even in a narrow minded society.

For inspiration, please have a look on Mai-magis blog: http://mai-magi.tumblr.com/

She's the main inspiration for me and I really, really love her style!

A few examples: (From polyvore)




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